Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fiber Optic Plan Edges Forward in Cape Town

Plans are moving ahead in Cape Town to set up a citywide fiber optic cable telecommunications system. The city also plans to purchase existing networks from telecom providers as part of the $50 million project.

City of Cape Town CIO Andre Stelzner says the negotiations are proceeding, with the main objective being the reduction in the digging up of public roads and pavements in laying these cables.

...Stelzner says he expects the negotiations, including the settling of the prices to be paid, to be completed within a month.

The second phase of the project is to meet the city's 2010 Soccer World Cup commitments. This includes the laying of fibre-optic cabling around fan sites and areas that will be the most frequented by tourists during the period.

CT's fibre-optic project on track
May 25, 2009