Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Local Pub Burned in Court By FIFA

FIFA has successfully blocked a Pretoria pub from displaying signage advertising the World Cup, citing trademark and licensing issues.

The Eastwoods Tavern, located close to Loftus stadium - one of the cup venues - had placed the legend "World Cup 2010" below its main sign on the roof.

...It also erected banners featuring the flags of prominent soccer-playing countries with the numeral 2010 and "Twenty Ten South Africa" written on them.

...Fifa and Spoor and Fisher had been working together on a trademark registration programme for the cup since 2004.

The cup, being designated by the trade and industry ministry as a protected event, meant trademarks like "South African 2010" and "World Cup 2010" could not be used, except by official sponsors.

Fifa wins marketing case against pub
Independent Online
April 20, 2009